Show the Planet some Love

🌏 Happy Earth Day 🌏

It’s the 51st global Earth Day and this year’s theme to inspire action is Restore Our Earth.

“It is up to each and every one of us to Restore Our Earth not just because we care about the natural world, but because we live on it. We all need a healthy Earth to support our jobs, livelihoods, health & survival, and happiness. A healthy planet is not an option — it is a necessity.”

Today, show your gratitude for this wonderful planet we get to call home. In fact maybe you can do one of these things each and every day.

🚶‍♂️ Take a walk outside

Breathe in the fresh air, move your body and feel your body release stress.

Tree Credit Jan Huber

🌳 Hug a tree

Do you have a favourite tree you’ve been enjoying on your daily exercise during lockdown? Is there a magnificent beauty of a specimen nearby you could visit and marvel at? Feel it’s bark, give it a hug or take a photo - all great ways to connect to the trees we rely on for the air we breathe. CLIMB?

🗑️ Pick up litter as you go about your day

Local parks, nature reserves, beaches and woodlands all benefit from being tidied up? Some areas organise litter picking events to use collective energy to clean up the local area - link but why wait for this. When you next go for a walk or visit the park bring a pair of gloves and a bin bag and collect up any waste you spot along your way. You’ll feel proud of your efforts and will make a difference not only to the appearance of the space but also to the wildlife that calls it home.

Barefoot on the grass Credit Nick Page

👣 Walk or stand barefoot in the grass, sand or soil

Not only does it feel wonderful to kick off your shoes and stand barefoot on a natural surface (grass, sand, soil, rocks), science tells us that this practice connects us electrically to the Earth and can have positive benefits to our bodies. DIP YOUR TOES IN THE WATER WHEN YOU GO TO THE BEACH

💺 Find a sit spot in nature to observe the world

Seeking out a special place to regularly sit and slow down outside can really help you to notice the nature that is all around. Find a bench in your local park, a tree stump or rock to perch on or even a bus shelter to observe how wildlife and plants survive in more urban spaces. If you make the time to do this regularly you’ll notice small things such as wild plants making homes in interesting places, squirrels burying nuts, snails crawling along the pavements and birds gathering sticks to build nests. This practice alone can really connect you to the nature that’s local to you and make you appreciate it.

✏️ Journal on 5 natural things you love about where you live

Journal book & paper Credit Gabrielle Henderson

Take a few minutes each week to note down elements of natural beauty in your local area. Is there a tree you enjoy walking under, a pond bursting with life, a little meadow that buzzes with insects in Spring and Summer or a weed that’s found a creative place to grow? Take the time to notice these things and then jot them down on paper so you can look back at it another time. Integrating a gratitude practice can do wonders for our mindset and can give us a more positive outlook on life so if it’s not already a regular habit for you give it a try. Not only can it help you appreciate the natural world around you, you can also bring in elements from your whole life, including people, opportunities and material objects you’re grateful for.

💦 Appreciate the water we have - visit a river, stream, the sea or enjoy a fresh glass of water 🚰

Water flowing through hands Credit Mrjn Photography

Whilst we rely on nature and the Earths systems for our survival, rarely is it more obvious than with water. We require fresh and clean water to drink and to maintain hydration in our bodies and we can survive barely a few days without it.

Did you know:⁠
💦 71% of Earth is covered by water! ⁠
🌊 This precious resource is essential to life however 97% of our planet's water is saltwater in the oceans and seas which leaves a very small amount that is fresh and drinkable.⁠
🚰 Of the 3% of water that is fresh, only 1% of it is readily drinkable (69% is frozen & 30% is underground).⁠

Next time you enjoy a refreshing gulp of cool water consider where this water has travelled and what was required to make sure you have clean water when you turn on your tap. Whilst all life on Earth is incredibly dependent on water, it’s a very precious resource that needs to be cared for.

💡 Turn off the lights when you leave the room to save energy

Electricity production is a complex system where the energy from one source (for example the sun, coal, natural gas, wind or from a person riding a bicycle) is transferred into energy that can be used and often stored to power items humans use in our daily lives (for example lights, equipment and fuel for vehicles).

If all of us become more aware of only using the electricity that we need to and conserving it wherever possible, we could make a significant impact on the country’s demand for power. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could source all the power we need from renewable sources.

☀️ Turn your face towards the sun and embrace the warmth on your skin

Sunshine Credit Daoudi Aissa

Have you noticed how the sunshine seems to bring a smile to people’s faces? It has a profound impact on our wellbeing and can certainly brighten my day. Being exposed to sunlight as well as moonlight can also help our circadian rhythms stay in balance which is essential for quality sleep.

So if you’ve got sunshine today step outside and bask in the warmth, knowing you’re boosting your Vitamin D levels and helping you sleep well tonight.

🥦 Enjoy locally sourced seasonal vegetables and fruit

Fruit and vegetables Credit Chantal Garnier

Seeking out a supply of locally grown produce not only reduces food miles (the distance food travels before it reaches your plate) but also connects you to what is grown seasonally where you live. We’ve all become accustomed to eating peppers, broccoli and apples throughout the year but by eating seasonally you can enjoy more variety. It can be exciting when a new fruit or vegetable is ready to harvest and you can add it into your diet for a period of time.

It’s great if you can visit a farm shop or use veg box scheme where you can get to know the producers but the rewards and benefits of connecting to nature are even greater if you’ve had a hand in growing the food yourself.

Tell me, which of these will you do today and which will you make a regular habit?

I'll be taking a walk barefoot, marvelling at a beautiful tree and enjoying delicious local vegetables.


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